Bubble Tea Market to Witness an Outstanding Growth during 2017-2023 - Lollicup USA, CuppoTee Company, Bubble Tea House Company

Bubble tea, popularly known as boba tea, is a Taiwanese drink prepared with tea or milk as the base component. This tea is glazed with boba, which are soft, chewy, and gummy tapioca pearls extracted from cassava root. Other ingredients, such as jelly and fruit balls, are used for enhancing the texture of the tea. Bubble tea is served in a hot or cold form, according to the preference of consumers and a fat straw is used through which the pearls can be easily eaten by the consumers. Bubble tea is slowly gaining popularity in Asia-Pacific countries such as China and India, and globally too.

Availability of bubble tea at lower prices and introduction of additional healthy ingredients in tea by different market players drive the global bubble tea market growth. However, excess of sugar content in these drinks leading to health issues and trend of coffee consumption are expected to restrict the market growth. Introduction of various new flavors and blends, and high demand among the young population for a variety of teas are expected to provide lucrative opportunities for market expansion.

Major Key Players of the Bubble Tea Market are:Lollicup USA, CuppoTee Company, Bubble Tea House Company, Ten Ren's Tea Time, Boba Box Limited, Sumos Sdn Bhd, Gong Cha USA, Boba Tea Company, Troika JC. (Qbubble), and Fokus Inc

Read More @ https://www.openpr.com/news/2025526/bubble-tea-market-to-witness-an-outstanding-growth-during 


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